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Transform your Daily Routine with some Healthy Living Tips

JULY 26, 2018

You’re on this article because you realise that there needs to be a health inspired change in your life but aren’t ready to fully commit to it yet, Go ahead and take a look at these 10 healthy living tips that will help you improve your well-being, without making it feeling like a chore.

Eating Alternatives

The transformation from your current routine, to a healthy one, always begins at home-in the Kitchen. Eating a Healthy Balanced Diet, full of perfectly balanced nutritious meals sounds absolutely amazing- right up until you get to the point after a long day of work, where you just cannot get yourself to put in the effort to cook and instead just order in. There goes all of those good healthy & inspired intentions for a toss. It seems like the vicious cycle of reality for working class individuals, but here’s a very simple solution: Pre-prepare your meals in advance. take any two days of the week, to pre prep your meals, and that way, putting in the effort then, goes a long way on your body being healthy. At the same time, instead of munching on high calorie food items, why not some healthy snacks? This, is how you can effectively transform your diet, from an on again off again one- to a truly simplistic and easy one, that will go a long way in helping you live healthy.

Enjoy your Food

In such rushed times, we just plough through our food, but really, there is no rush & it isn’t going anywhere. Slowing down your eating will benefit your digestive system and will definitely help you trim those excess pounds. Eating slowly allows you to focus on and savour every bite. It takes your body 20 minutes to recognise the feeling of fullness, so stretching out your intake will reduce the negative effects of Overeating. Try to chewing each mouthful of food around 20-30 times before swallowing it to ensure proper digestion and allow the nutrients to absorb in your body properly.

Combine TV & Exercise

Stay Active & Healthy while watching your favourite programmes, complete a short workout during each advert break. The main rule here is to keep moving and being  active as research suggests that even fidgeting while you sit can burn up to 350 calories per day. Easy-Peasy right?

Stay Active, Daily

One of the best health tips is to integrate exercise into your daily routine. Although the gymming has some serious benefits to your health and body, staying active here is the key. You don’t need to commit, almost all of us are guilty of joining the gym and not being regular-at all; but introducing gentle bits of activity throughout your day will go a really long way, as you could increase your activity levels and go for a walk on your lunch break, or maybe just a casual stroll, or taking the staircase instead of the elevator etc. These simple & minor changes will make you more active and have a big impact on your fitness.

Brain Exercises

Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical health – and the good news is you can work this muscle from the comfort of your own living room! Frequently complete activities that will stimulate your mind therefore will reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s. So instead of always turning on the TV, why not read a book, or do a crossword/scrabble instead?

Sleep Well

Research shows that getting enough sleep, can reduce your stress levels, boost your memory and help you live longer. Ideally you should sleep for at least 8 Hours, but getting less than five hours sleep per night can result in unnecessary weight gain, and an increased risk of heart disease. Clocking up a regular eight hours sleep is such an easy way to boost your healthy living.

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